Why Burkina Faso?

Burkina Faso is located in Sub-Saharan Africa. The primary language is French and has a population of over 15 Million. Burkina is listed as one of the world’s poorest countries and has one of the highest illiteracy rates in the world.

The need for clean water in Burkina Faso is undeniable. The UN estimates that somewhere between 1 in 2 to 1 in 3 Burkinabe do not have access to clean water in rural areas. However, it’s more than an issue of convenience. 

- 1 in every 3.4 children die in Burkina Faso before the age of 10. 

- 39% of children under the age of 5 are underweight. 

- The Greatest contributing factors to poor health and disease are water borne illnesses.

When a clean water source is available, and is close to home, the changes in the quality of life and health can transform the trajectory of whole communities.

Crops are more easily grown closer to home and in greater varieties. Clean water crates more economic opportunity. Women and children are not exposed to the dangers of walking miles on their own since they are primarily the ones who go and get water. They can spend more time with their families, attend school and stay where they are safe.

By partnering with Engage Burkina https://engageburkina.com , resources are already in the country for drilling and maintaining the wells. Their mission is: “to Bring transformation and hope to the people of Burkina Faso through sustainable solutions and development.”

”We believe it is time to go beyond short-term solutions and focus our attention on the transformation that can be created with long-term, sustainable answers to some of the challenges in Burkina Faso.”

By purchasing a Sleep-A-Board, you not only benefit from supported rest during travel, you are also part of transforming the life and health of a family. 

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